Baxter Recycling offers convenient, FREE drop off recycling for residential customers of the Twin Lakes area, in and around Mountain Home.

Recycling Center
Baxter Recycling also offers local business FREE CARDBOARD PICK-UP. Click the link below or call 870-425-0664 to schedule your service.
Residents may drop off recycle items at any time. For personal assistance in drop-offs and unloading, visit Baxter Recycling between 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Monday - Friday.
Please take a look below at what we WILL and WILL NOT accept at Baxter Recycling.
Baxter Recycling employs the clients of Baxter Day Service Center, providing work and life skills for our clients who are challenged with learning disabilities. This training provides a necessary paycheck for many clients. They process recyclable materials from the City, County, and residents into sellable recyclable revenue streams, benefitting our area in many ways. Keeping Baxter Recycling open provides jobs our clients love and essential services for our community and environment. Your support means the world to us!
For more information, email us at

Baxter Recycling, a division of Baxter Day Service Center, provides our clients with valuable job skills. These skills give them a sense of accomplishment and community involvement. Recognizing the importance of meaningful, productive work, Baxter Day Service Center provides vocational training and supportive employment in a structured environment for our clients. Baxter Day Service clients are given the opportunity to work in various sections of Baxter Recycling including: material receiving and sorting, processing materials, quality control (checking for contamination), loading and unloading trucks, equipment maintenance, and overall facility upkeep.